  • Dutchess Chamber to celebrate 700th Contact Breakfast on May 15

    The Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce invites members and guests to the monthly Contact Breakfast on May 15 in the Conference Center of the Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel. The Chamber will be celebrating its 700th breakfast dating back to 1959 with a special program that is not to be missed. We’re going to party like it’s 1959! Attendees are encouraged to wear 1950s attire to celebrate the event, and a prize will be awarded for the most original. This event is sponsored by the Chazen Companies, Petro, and M &T Bank.

    A keynote presentation will be delivered by Bill Jeffway, Executive Director of the Dutchess County Historical Society. Jeffway’s presentation, titled “Made in Dutchess,” will explore the history of Dutchess business throughout the years. There will be other special presentations as part of this event, and anyone associated with business in the Hudson Valley is encouraged to attend.

    Pre-registration is required for the May Contact Breakfast by visiting dcrcoc.org or calling 845.454.1700 x 1000. Tickets are $25 for members and $35 for non-members.
    The Chamber’s Contact Breakfast has evolved over the years, starting as a monthly membership meeting and now known as one of the top networking opportunities each month for the business community. Each event features time for Chamber members and guests to build relationships and awareness for their organizations, as well as listening to a keynote speaker provide relevant information related to the region’s economy. The Contact Breakfast is held on the third Wednesday of each month at the Poughkeepsie Grand and Conference Center.

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