  • Directory Means Spring Is Coming

    By William Francis
    Chamber Board Chair

    I love March. To me it means spring is coming – with the end of winter hibernation, the lengthening of daylight, and the ability to be out, about and participate in more physically active endeavors.

    With the pandemic forcing us to curtail spring, summer and fall activities last year, the feeling of being pent up is worse than ever. I look forward to getting vaccinated and getting back to a more normal schedule, seeing friends, clients, business associates, and family. I encourage everyone, when your time comes, get in line and get your shot!

    Another right of spring is the new edition of the DCRCOC Business Directory. That slim booklet I receive twice a year is a treasure trove of information about local business. In my office, it sits next to me throughout the day for quick access to potential vendors when I’m in need. With listings by business category and an index, alphabetical by category, I can quickly find what I’m looking for. Whether it’s simple contact information in a hurry or a referral to a specific profession when asked, it’s fast and easy to find what you’re looking for. Just today, I was asked to refer a specific profession. I looked in my book and it was easy to provide three options of people I know and trust, and I was able to provide phone and email contact information. So, if you’re not in it, it’s that much harder for me, and our more than 1,100 other members to find you.

    The Business Directory also contains a large number of prospects for any business. What does your ideal customer/prospect look like? No doubt they can be found here, conveniently grouped by business category, with contact information verified and updated every six months!

    When your copy arrives in the mail later this month, think about what a great tool it is for prospecting ... and also for others wanting to find you. This is just one more great reason, in a long list of great reasons, to be a member of the Chamber. If you’re not a member and would like to be, or maybe you have had to put membership on hold, please reach out to the Chamber staff and let them help you find a way to stand out!

    William Francis, of Fortress Financial Advisory, is the Chair of the Chamber's Board of Directors

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